'lakeside.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.0 2015-11-26 MGA/B+ color 0,15:cls for i=0 to 128 skycolor=rgb(120,120,200-i) line 0, i,xmax,i,skycolor next if ymax>700 then top=700 else top=ymax for i=129 to top lakecolor=rgb(0,rnd*20+100-.1*i,rnd*20+100-.1*i) line 0,i,xmax,i,lakecolor next start=100 rr=70:gg=90:bb=70 for mountains= 1 to 6 offset=0 y=start repeat factor = (RND*9-4)/2 offrand=offset+rnd*7 for x=offset to offrand y=y +factor txcolor=rgb(rr,gg,bb) line x,y,x,ymax,txcolor next offset=x until offset>=xmax rr=rr-20:gg=gg-10:bb=bb-10 if rr<0 then rr=0 if gg<0 then gg=0 if bb<0 then bb=0 start=start+(20+RND*40) NEXT mountains showpage pause